Wednesday, December 14, 2016

You can print a selfie on your coffee

Your barista leaving a cute little heart or snowflake drawing on your coffee is impressive enough, but imagine collecting your cup to find anything from the Mona Lisa to a selfie printed on the surface?

That could soon be the reality for coffee lovers everywhere thanks to one machine.

The geniuses over at Steam CC have created the Ripple Maker, a machine able to print words and images on your coffee in just a matter of seconds.

With the Ripple Maker you’ll turn ordinary coffee into an extraordinary experience. Using patented printing technology, the machine creates inspiring Ripples from any image or text atop the foam layer of coffee beverages. Create a moment and forge a connection with your customers.

Make a foam-topped coffee drink by your usual methods. Place the cup on the machine, select an image from the extensive content library or approve your customer’s created design. Your Ripple prints in just seconds. Give your drink the perfect finishing touch.

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